Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Curse of Cairbre mac Eádaoine the Bard

Olivia Myers

1 The bard blew in on the skirt of storm cloud
Hungry, weak, footsore and cold
The bard blew in a weary traveler
Into the keep of a dark hold
Such a blessing to stand by the fire, finding wealth and food within
But this was the court  of Bres Mac Eladain
And no such things were to be seen

2 The bard was taken to a high throne
On it sat a haughty man
The bard gave thanks for his welcome
His purpose there the king demanded

3 “Mighty Lord I come to tell tales
For my food and for my keep
Mighty Lord I will sing you songs
For a bite and place to sleep

4 Is that all that you have to give?
Scraps of story and of song?
Then I will house you and will feed you
As your wears earn you before long

5 The bard was taken to an old hut
That was narrow, dark, and dim
neither fire, nor bath, nor bed there
And on three dry cakes the bard was fed

6The bard rolled and tossed away that dark night
He had no sleep and belly pains
In the morning he strode to the court
And looked on the king with disdain

7For kindness from a king of the land
These are the words I do give you
The fate of your rule and kingdom
All hear these verses of Bres Mac Eladain

8Without food upon your  platter,
Without  cow’s milk whereon calf thrives,
Without a house in the deep darkness,
Be that the luck of Bres Mac Eladain”

9The bard swept away in a flap of cloaktails
“Bres’s wealth will fail”, he said
And as the bard said, it was so
Bres  was soon without milk and bread

10Now you know, and now remember
Never  fail in your lands
Never slight the weary traveler
Never hold back the generous hands

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