Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nuada Regains the Throne

Nuada had been one of the greatest kings the Tuatha de Dannan ever had, but king he was no more. Losing a hand in the first battle of Mag Turiech, he had lost the kingship as well, for among the Tuatha a king must be whole and sound. Bres had been given the throne, he became a prideful king,  arrogant and demanding. He had nearly ruined his people when one of their great bards cursed him off the throne and he fled.
Now, the throne was empty. And the Tuatha began searching for a way that Nuada could become king once again.  Finally, Nuada stood.
“I will speak with my brother.” He said, “Dian Cecht is a great healer. Perhaps he may find a way.”
Now Dian Cecht could cure wounds and it was said he could even reverse death, but this was something new.
Dian Cecht  thought for three nights. Then he took to the smithy, and by morning he had formed a gleaming silver arm. Then he called his brother to his home, and finally,  Nuada came out the door a whole man, with a working arm of silver
“Stand on the stone of Le Fail.” said the Dagda,  “And we shall see if you are king again.”
Nuada stood. And the stone roared.
So Nuada became king one more, healing the land and his people.

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