You may know Lugh, the great warrior and hero. But where does a great warrior come from? This is the story.
Lugh had a good upbringing; fostered by Mannan Mac Lir of the Sea, taught by the smith Gobhan, trained in fighting by Tailtu. And soon he was a man, tall, strong, well-trained and wise for his age. Now at this time, the People were at war with the cruel Formorii.
“I want to aid our people.” Lugh said, “I want to serve the King.”
He gained the blessing of his father and his foster-father, of Gobhan who gave him armour and a spear. So he set off for Tara.
When he reached the gate of Tara, it was closed, a great feast going on inside. He greeted the door keeper.
“I greet you, and I ask for entry.”
“Who are you?” the door keeper asked rudely, “And have you an art? For none without an art may enter Tara.”
“I am Lugh, a master of story telling.”
“We’ve got a story teller.” The door-keeper said quickly.
“Then I am Lugh, master of healing.”
“We’ve got Dian Cecht for that, pup.”
“I am Lugh, also a master of the battle.” Said the boy. The gate-keeper sneered.“Be away with you, child.”
“I am master of sailing, from Mannan Mac Lir.”
“And what do we need with another sailor?”
“Then I am Lugh, master of magic.”
“One more conjurer and the hill of Tara will burst. Get ye gone."
“I am a master of smithing.”
“Then go beat yourself on an anvil! We have a man for all those skills!”
“Yes,” said Lugh with a smile, “But I am Lugh, and I am master of them all.”
The gate-keeper stared at him wide eyed.
“Then perhaps you’d best come in after all.”
So Lugh was taken in to meet Nuada the king. He showed his skill to his lord and was welcomed among the Tuatha. And what happened afterwords is another tale.
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